Kibera is a community that consists of 14 villages from people of diverse cultures and religions.

Women and children suffer in silence because of different major issues like poverty, unemployment, illiteracy, Gender based violence and insecurity. FEMINIST FOR PEACE RIGHTS AND JUSTICE CENTRE was founded in June 2016 by a group of young women activists from Kibera who are survivors of sexual violence. In the recent past, Kibera has witnessed an increase of sexual and gender based violence (SGBV).

FEMINIST FOR PEACE RIGHTS AND JUSTICE CENTRE was founded in June 2016 by a group of young women activists from Kibera who are survivors of sexual violence.

Women and girls who reports their cases rarely get justice and their safety as survivors or victims have never been guaranteed. There have been cases of RAPE, DEFILEMENTS, and SODOMY that happened in known safe spaces such as schools, mosques and churches which makes safe space in Kibera to shrink and limit women and girls access to holistic empowerment.

The Kenyan Government has signed, ratified and domesticated many treaties on protection of women and girls and the existing laws are good but lack of financial investment and structures have left the responsibility of nabbing the perpetrators of sexual violence to the survivors.

FEMINIST FOR PEACE, RIGHTS AND JUSTICE CENTRE,(FPRJC) ENVISIONS a society that enables the full development, safety, access equal rights, fair justice and self-actualization of young women. We believes that young women are the women’s movement untapped and valuable resources in defending the gains on women’s rights.

FPRJC existence prides itself in empowering young women by building their leadership capacities, providing a platform of networking, nurturing other embryonic and multi-generational organizing.

The patriarchal nature of society as well as culture of silence has left women vulnerable to all forms of violence in Kibera, hence, the need of Feminist Centre to battle with the injustices.

Our MISSION is to nurture young women’s leadership capacity, create and open spaces for young women’s engagement in social, economic and policy making processes and build their capacities to help them realize their full potential.

Our objectives are as follows:

  • To provide a conducive environment for women and girls and be the driving force that motivates transformative leadership in young women and girls to realize their full potential to be champions against Sexual violence in Kibera using active nonviolent ways to communicate.
  • To manage, mitigate resolve and transform central aspects through community diplomacy, through peace processes, building community resilience, informal dialogue, negotiation and mediation.
  • To create and open spaces, through unconventional feminist platforms, to embrace and collaborate with embryonic groups to network and learn more.
  • To create a Centre of knowledge, skills and Justice regarding the rights of girls and women.


Our Values:

  1. SISTERHOOD: To connect with each other and for solidarity.
  2. HOPE: confident expectation that her project will be successful.
  3. CHARITY: Preferential option for the vulnerable.
  4. INTEGRITY and ACCOUNTABILITY: Highest level of honesty and transparency.
  5. TEAM WORK: Working together in harmony for the common good.
  6. CONFIDENTIALITY: To develop and build trust.

Ruth Juliet Ochieng

Editar Adhiambo Ochieng
Executive Officer

Florence Ogalo
Human Resource Officer

Flavian Mbara
Program Coordinator

Caren Brandy Akinyi
Finance Assistant